Commission looks to AI reserve corps, service academy to fill federal workforce gaps | Federal News Network

Real-time news on AI, ML, PD and infrastructure:

Artificial Intelligence News     •     July 22, 2020, 11:26 pm
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is calling for a Digital Service Academy and a reserve corps to tap into private-sector expertise.
Artificial Intelligence News     •     July 22, 2020, 7:09 pm
CalypsoAI, the leader in validation, security and monitoring for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), announced today the closing.
Artificial Intelligence News     •     July 22, 2020, 5:51 pm
New audio data coding standards body proposed.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics are changing management of critical infrastructure through real-time analytics. Please contact us to find out how you can get involved.

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