Artificial intelligence offers a chance to optimize COVID-19 treatment in international partnership

Real-time news on AI, ML, PD and infrastructure:

Artificial Intelligence News     •     May 29, 2020, 5:00 pm
Jonathan Irish joins an international collaboration by deploying artificial intelligence to optimize COVID-19 treatment and vaccine development.
Artificial Intelligence News     •     May 29, 2020, 4:40 pm
Successful companies thrive on spontaneity, serendipity and spirit — not mechanized, robotic decision-making, Seventy percent of all AI projects need to be about human collaboration.
Artificial Intelligence News     •     May 29, 2020, 12:45 pm
Thousands of tech companies have developed state-of-the-art AI-powered cybersecurity defense solutions specifically designed and programmed by ethical hackers and penetrationtesters. The Artificial…

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics are changing management of critical infrastructure through real-time analytics. Please contact us to find out how you can get involved.

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